Monday, April 6, 2009

Personal Summary

This is a personal blog and I will pride ownership of it. I shall adhere to the agreements I had initially accepted in order that I have this opportunity of free social networking. I can hardly believe that I am on my way to a grander method of global communication. Just the other day I had created a “slideshare” and someone responded the very next day from Japan. The delightful shocker was the greeting written in 'hip' Chamorro, "Chamu-hit", as in, "no-way". I am still am a bit nervous about networking outside our classmates' group or outside of my family circle. Still, that was fantastic and I did want to respond to that Chamorro greeting being a Chamorro and moreso a Chamorro language teacher. The feeling is similar to that first telephone communication when I was only 8 years old. I had also accepted Matsue's SKYPE invite and immediately keyed in for hours. First I entered Matsue's name, and oh my goodness so many from Japan are on SKYPE. Sadly, no Matsue from Guam. So I keyed Jacqui Cyrus, and sure enough, Guam flag popped up like a distant star in the black sky. I felt such a childish delight once again! So this is why I chose this photo of my brother Vincent and me at 8 years old. The blog photo is of Vincent flying off the Taga Rock of Tinian, 1995 for my personal blog. His take-off must have been scary at first, but exhilarating still, just as when I first started in my ED443. I want to thank Dr. Cyrus for her generosity in sharing so many wonderful websites and software in which she made available in our Fall2009 class. Si’Yu’us Ma’ase.

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